My Extreme Points of View

One of my struggles as a business owner has got to be the fact that, over the years, I have spent a lot of time snapping between one pole and another. At times, my opinions and views can be extreme and polarizing, when it comes to working. I’ve learned that I need good friends and a coach to keep me somewhere happy in the middle, and that’s taken a lot of work.

Here are some of the poles that I’ve struggled with (and still do) that may sound familiar to you:

The success of my business either has everything to do with me or nothing to do with me. Some days, I look back on all of the backbreaking work I’ve put in, all the insane overtime hours and all the hustling and think that no one else could’ve done what I’ve done. Other times, I look back at all the people who have been there for me since I started this journey. My family, some extremely wonderful colleagues, supportive friends who get it… and I think it’s all due to them, that without them, none of it would’ve happened. I’ve had to realize that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I have worked hard, and I have hustled for all I’ve achieved, and I’ve also had lots of wonderful help along the way. Both contributed enough to get me here.

I am either being very fearless, or very reckless. You have to take risks to make it in any endeavor, primarily as an entrepreneur. Sometimes when I open a new office, I snap back and forth between thinking that I’m being brave and fearless and doing the best for everyone, or I’m being completely reckless and tanking the entire operation. Only time has taught me that you need to be both to really make it work.

Most of the time I am grateful for what I have, but I struggle with wanting more. This doesn’t apply to me as a business owner. This applies to everyone in the human race. I think it’s my drive for more than makes my business successful – but I also think there’s no point to that if you can’t be grateful for what you have right now. In other words, you have to stop and smell the roses, but stay hungry.  

I’ve learned that I cannot continually give the benefit of the doubt to everyone, even when I believe everyone is trying their hardest. Over the years, I’ve put up with a lot because I will always be the type of person who sees the best in everyone. I love seeing people for their strengths and helping them develop their talents. At a certain point, however, someone may not be a good fit for my company anymore, and it becomes apparent that we have to part ways, for the good of both parties. This was a hard lesson to learn, but one I’m so glad I did.

I will always be working towards a balance, always striving to find that happy medium, and always recognizing that both ends of the spectrum have something to offer.